Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Postcard Project

I love sending my friends postcards.  I love it when my friends call me and let me know that I have the strange ability to reach out at the moment they most needed it.

I have three postcards that I received from my friends on my fridge.  From left to right ~ a postcard from Paris, France ~ Arizona  and New Orleans.  These postcards make me smile.  They make me feel loved.

Why don't you go out today and buy a few postcards and some 29c stamps and make someone's day.


  1. such a brilliant wonderful idea :)

  2. post cards are good.We should do this more ofted,did you see my recent-ish blog on post cards?

  3. @David W ~ thank you, hope you participate

    @David M ~ Yes I did and I loved it.

  4. I love postcards and I forgot about them. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. I forgot about those too. Like the idea.

    You really love ladybugs, don't you?

  6. I might send a postcard to the shitty student in my class that never stops texting. I'll let you guess at what the tone of that postcard would be - I'm sure it will make her day.

  7. I love getting a post card. I will go buy some and send them to friends! What a marvelous idea!!!

  8. @dbs - go make someone happy

    @Vinny - yes I do love my ladybugs

    @Doc - I am sure you will find an appropriate picture postcard

    @Linda - Sometimes it is the simple things that mean the most.

  9. I collect every postcard I have recieved from friends on my laundry room cabinets. You can't see the cabinets anymore just the amazing places my friends have traveled to and thought of me. I love getting postcards!


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