Following blogs is far cheaper than buying magazines and reading about the rich, famous, stupid, classless people out there. Reading someone's blog is very much the same as when you were younger and you would sneak into your sister's room to read her diary. Reading blogs blows reality TV right out of the water! A tip when you start following a blog, start reading from their very first post. So here are the blogs that I follow and my thoughts on them.
AmsterDam Yankee; Life and kids in Amsterdam:
I came across this blog a few months ago while scrolling through. Currently this woman has moved back to the States with her children sans husband. Reading about her struggles and trying to deal with things takes me back to those years I did the same. I am rooting for her to succeed and find herself and just as many of us who have walked that path, we all reached the other side saying "that was one hell of a ride!".
Bad Words:
This is without a doubt one lady I would love to sit around a campfire with, drinking wine and making smores. Her two children provide much entertainment for her blog posts and some will truly make you laugh out loud and other posts will leave you totally verklempt.
Beta Dad:
This blogger is a stay at home dad and takes care of his twin daughters. I take my hat off to him as we all know this is not of the norm and he does a fantastic job with his girls. Go read his posts and then go vote for him, he deserves to have his blog recognized!
I'm only laughing on the outside:
This blog is written by a good friend of ours and it is about his life in Mississippi, Maine and Utah. His posts are very descriptive and you can only but laugh and cringe at all the antics of his youth. Currently he is off hiking in places where he is unable to blog for a few weeks, but read his blog and sign up to follow him, you won't be disappointed.
Pier Point:
This blogger is adamant that every woman's bra and knickers should match, it is brought up in quite a few of her posts. I am now very conscious of when I dress in the morning as I don't want to disappoint. Great, funny and sometimes just aha moment posts and she loves shoes ~ we are kindred spirits.
Pseudonymous High School Teacher:
This was the second blog I signed up to follow over a year ago. When I started blogging I was in shock when I saw that Pseudo was following my blog, my little bitch slapping, temper tantrum throwing blog. Go read her blog you will see why I say that I am humbled that she follows my little rants. I love her writing and her posts on her students are hysterical!
Singing sappy songs in the shower:
When I now go for my walks in the evening I am more observant to the little things around me. This blogger posts about random things and the way she tends to look and snap pictures of things that you would not have thought about, is why I follow this blog. Through her blogging I read between the lines that this is a very gentle person, the kind of person I know that many friends wish that I could be. So go read her blog and let me know if you get the same impression.
Stellar love stories:
I think this blog may be set to private, but if you can get an invite it is worth it. It is my recommendation that you have a glass of wine while reading this, a pack of cigarettes (if you smoke) and your better half close by!
Random, nonsense, funny, hysterical at times, postings. For one hour I would love to live in this blogger's head. Be warned, don't be drinking anything as you read his blogs, I have found many a time liquid coming out of my nose. I think he should have a warning label.
Twirl Unabashedly:
Young Mom to two girls and is a nurse. She is new to blogging, but has got the hang of it and I love her rants and daily thoughts. She has surpassed my number of followers and I think will soon be at the 200 mark pretty soon.
And that my friends are the blogs I follow. So if you are so inclined, take a look at those blogs, you won't be disappointed and when I next open my email I expect a full report from all 16 of you on your thoughts, otherwise you know what will happen and it isn't going to be pretty.