Friday, July 25, 2014

What's the number?

Yesterday I walked into the back office at one of my hotels to discover my general manager and two front desk agents in an absolute panic. The general manager was trying to get hold of the corporate office, I asked what the problem was and this was the conversation that transpired.

GM: We went to the gas station as we have to fill up the shuttle for our guests and we don't have the number that is needed to get gas.

FD1: We put the card in and it asks for a number.

Me: Your driver ID, that number?

FD2: No, we have that number, we need the other number.

GM: I am trying to call corporate because they never gave us the other number.

Me: Wait, so when you put in the card it asks for a number?

FD1: Yes the one before the driver number.

Me: You mean the ODOMETER?

All of them together: Yes, that number, corporate didn't give us that number.

Me: *crickets* *Guppy Fish Mouth Movements*

For the record, I did not hire these people.


  1. HA! That's fantastic. And also makes me scared for the future of humanity.

    1. Three guesses as to which party they all support. ;-)

  2. Groan... What did you SAY? (I'm at a loss.)

    1. Also, I've been searching and searching for a patron saint of dumb people. It looks like they're on their own.

  3. By any chance, have these two people already procreated? Because if not, just kill them now, before they can pass on those genes. Please!

    1. Between the three of them there are 8 offspring. Yup yup.

  4. As one who has never owned a motor vehicle - or even a driver's license (Don't ask. I am finally getting it done in a few months, though) - I can safely say I know next to nothing about cars... and I'm still in shock.

    1. My son (22) is in the same boat as you - and he does know what an odometer is too. :-)


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