Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I started young.

I started young, right hand is in the bitch slap raise.
Wine grapes from our back yard.
My sister and I with the wine grapes in my grandfathers yard. Best wine ever.
My Wendy house (playhouse) was a large wine vat. My Dad was very creative.

It all makes sense now right?


  1. WOW! I absolutely LOVE this and those grapes are amazing!! What did your family grow? Did your Wendy house smell like wine?

  2. All I remember about the grapes was that the skin was tough, but the inside of the grape was incredibly sweet. My Grandfather also had a large square, with walls, a bar across to hold on to and we would all climb in and crush the grapes with our feet. The juice would go into the barrels and we would roll them up and down the path. Great Portuguese wine.

  3. No wonder you're a wine lover! So very cute. You, your sister and the Wendy house. Sometimes I think it would be fun to be a kid again and not have worries or problems.

  4. Your bitch slap pose also looks like a wine glass holding practice.

    PS - Those grape bunches are huge!

  5. @Meg ~ totally agree... just think of how great it would be to play house in my wendy house PLUS we get to drink the 'juice'

    @Vinny ~ Never thought of that! Yes, the grapes were huge... my family does not do anything small.

    @Sherilin ~ I think so as well.

  6. Playhouse = awesome. Such cute pictures!!

  7. There's wine in your genes I think.

  8. Wow! From the few recent pictures I've seen of you, I'd recognize you anywhere. Obviously, you have always been adorable.

    I take it that's the sister who's nice?

    I want that house! What a great father!

  9. @Mrs Small. ~ I want that playhouse as my bar!

    @dbs ~ you think?

    @Mitch ~ Ask my ex if he feels the same as you do. Yes, that is my baking sister. Wouldn't that house make the best man cave?

  10. That is a cool playhouse.

    Very revealing post;)

  11. This was just all too cute, and yes your playhouse is NOT only adorable, but very original and creative! Merry Christmas Nubian!

  12. an that old tried and tested and long perfected bitch slapping routine

  13. It all makes sense!! Love the playhouse. I need one now.

  14. Where on earth was this idyllic childhood? Grapes, wine vat Wendy house wonderful start to any young life. :)

  15. Yep, that's about the best playhouse I've seen. And this certainly does explain a lot. Nice.


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