It was another gorgeous day in Wilderness. My brother wanted me to visit Wild Oats Farmers Market and visit a few of his friends who are vendors there. We started our morning with a scrambled egg breakfast and good South African coffee.
Wild Oats, Wilderness |
Gorgeous day |
The organizers of Wild Oats Farmers Market |
Sun, breakfast and my gorgeous nephews and niece |
The first stop I made was at the pork pie booth. I love pork pies. There is nothing better than a beer, pork pie and
piccalilli There is an art to making the perfect pork pie. I have had a few that the filling was sparse and the pastry fatty.
Pork pies made my Marye |
Marye and her friend and their wonderful pies and sausage rolls |
Pork Pie |
The Pork Pie was delicious. The filling was a titch too salty for me, but with a beer it was perfect. I did not share with anyone. I enjoyed this treat all to myself. Looking at the picture makes me salivate all over again. I hope you get to try one of Marye's Pork Pies. They are yummylicious good.
The next booth that caught my eye was the Fresh Oyster booth. I think I trampled over a few people as I made a bee line for the oysters. I love oysters. My father and I once sat down and finished 100 oysters each in one sitting in Knysna. It was a great day and one of my most favorite memories of my Dad.
Hynn Munro and his assistants |
Hynn was more than happy to serve my plate of oysters and in the above picture you can see a glass of wine. He poured me a lovely glass of chilled white wine and I was ready to tuck into my oysters.
Just look at those beauties |
I prepared my oysters with lemon juice, salt and Tabasco. Hynn then gave me one undoctored and I was so bummed I doctored mine. They were incredible just on their own. I made a real piggy of myself slurping and chewing and washing it down with wine.
More amazing oysters |
Hynn then offered me a real treat. He opened up a package of Kudu Capaccio that he made. Oh my word, it was melt in your mouth delish and if I had a loaf of bread, a chair I would have set up camp in front of their booth.
Kudu Carpaccio |
My brother had to drag me away from Hynn's booth. If you are in Wilderness you must stop at Cape Oyster booth. Tell Hynn the crazy American sent you.
The next stop was at The Cheesecake booth. My brother informed me that Aidan makes the best cheesecake. I was skeptical. Everyone claims to have the best. My slice was cut and served.
Aidan and his cheesecake |
Result? Ladies put away your toys because Aidan's cheesecake is all you need. It was incredibly creamy, silky, smooth. The lemon was not over powering and the flavors blended and melted in your mouth. It truly was a moment of bliss. Every bite was mind blowing. Worth the calories.
Perfection |
Aidan even makes his own cheese. Sorry ladies, he is taken. I asked.
As you can see, Aidan's cheese is very popular. By the time we got to his booth, he was sold out. So I tucked into the samples. I was very happy.
Next booth was the delightful Ms. Jules and her amazing chutneys, salsa and oils. This is when I really hate traveling as I want to bring so much home with me.
The gorgeous Ms. Jules and her wares |
I love her Shitake Mushroom chutney. I need to have my brother send me some more. Thank you Ms. Jules for allowing me to sample all your wonderful chutneys, salsa and oils.
Next booth was Essene. Unfortunately I cannot remember the name of this wonderful lady who makes these breads, granola and muesli. I am very picky about my granola as I make my own and therefore mine is the best. This granola that I tasted would be the granola I would have in my pantry as a back up when mine ran out.
I was sad to leave, but if I stayed and visited more booths my brother would have had to roll me out of there. It was a wonderful day and spending time with my brother, nephews and niece made it perfect.